In which languages will the tours be offered?

The presentations take place in German in the morning and in English in the afternoon. Please make sure that your presenters speaks both languages fluently or that two presenters are available to present in the respective language.

Can tour exhibitors also participate in the Guided Tours as guests?

Yes, of course! Participating as a visitor has several advantages:

We would be pleased to see you experience the tour from a visitor’s point of view and encourage you to participate during the first few days of the tour – this way you can incorporate new ideas into your own presentation. You will also get to know the Guided Tours’ format and the many innovations of your industry even better.

You can sign up via the website or register at the Guided Tours Counter right before the tour starts.

The halls will be noisy. Will the guests be able to hear the presenter?

The Tour Guide leads the group by means of a wireless tour guide system (receiver, headphone and microphone). For a €50 deposit at the counter, all participants are handed a receiver and a headset at the start of the tour.

The Tour Guide hands his microphone to the presenter at each respective stand. We know from previous experience that any disturbances caused by other sound systems on the fairgrounds will be detected early on the first day of the fair and are generally quickly fixed.

How big are the individual groups?

Each group will count about 15 – 25 guests. Please make sure that there is enough space for everyone and that all participants are able to see the presenter. In order to hear the presenter properly, the Tour Guide provides each guest with headphones for a wireless tour guide system.

How should we end our presentation?

At the end of the presentation, the presenter hands the microphone back to the tour guide.

Please do not forget to invite the tour participants to a follow-up visit to your stand. Then the Tour Guide leads the guests to their next presentation with the following exhibitor on their schedule.

May we exchange business cards and hand out information and advertising material to the tour participants?

Your staff may hand out additional material and business cards to the tour guests as long as it does not delay the tour schedule. In the past, it has been quite effective to hand out business cards in combination with refreshments or a small gift.

What should we show during our presentation?

Guests generally prefer presentations where they can view, touch and try out „products“ instead of only listening to them. Oral presentations can be tiring, especially if the partcipants listen to several presentations row. So please keep this in mind!

What should the presenter consider before the guests arrive?

Please brief your presenters about their tasks and the details of the tours ahead of time. It is important that the presented content matches the respective tour‘s topic. Feel free to watch the „Video for presenters“ at our Guided Tours Portal for quick, best practice suggestions.

What is the duration of the presentation at our stand?

The presentation may last no longer than 10 minutes – our Tour Guides will be on time. Please use the given time to present your company from its best side by giving a well-prepared and exciting presentation. Using visual elements and demonstrations can have a great effect. After all, the first impression is the most important.

How will the presentation take place at our stand?

Your presenter should be ready at the agreed time. The Tour Guide will hand them a microphone to use during their 10-minute presentation.

To ensure the tour runs smoothly, please assign a staff representative in advance who holds the presentation. It is of utmost importance that your guests feel welcome at your stand and will be given a well-prepared, informative and, ideally, entertaining presentation.
For the success of the tours, it is essential that the contents of your presentation reflect the tour’s theme. Presernter tips

Will the presenter be notified of the arrival of the group in advance? Where can I check for delays?

The Tour Guides will arrive with the guests as previously confirmed with you. Depending on the arrangements made with the person in charge, the Tour Guide will call you a few minutes before arrival.

The guide will also call should there be a short delay or if the group arrives earlier than expected. From experience we know that the noise level in the halls is rather high. Please ensure that you will be able to hear the phone ring.

Where and when can I meet the Tour Guide responsible for our stand?

The Tour Guides will be briefed on Thursday morning, Sept 22nd. In the afternoon starting at 1.30 pm, we will visit each exhibitor for a 5-10 min personal introduction of the Tour Guides. This helps both the Tour Guides and participating exhibitors to know who their contact person is and where the meeting point is at each stand.

How and where can I find my time slot for the presentation?

The tours are based on detailled logistic planning in order to optimize the tours. Participating exhibitors receive the information on their time slots for the presentation about 2 weeks prior to the fair. Please accordingly brief your staff and especially your presenter(s) on time.

When do the tours start?

The Guided Tours start at 10 am (German) and at 2 pm (English) on the respective days.
Our Tour Guides will lead the participants in groups across the exhibition grounds and through the halls to selected exhibitors. The guides can be recognized by their tag and the signboard they carry.

The tours are held in the mornings in German and in the afternoons in English; should you have two presenters, it is important for them to know their presentation times.

Can we advertise the Guided Tours?

We would be delighted if you inform your customers of the added value of the IAA TRANSPORTATION Guided Tours 2022. You can include the following registration link in your mailings:


You can also draw attention to your exhibition stand and the Guided Tours in your email signatures and on your website, e.g. by including: “We are exhibitors at the IAA Guided Tours 2022. Visit us at our booth no. … in hall ….”.

During which days will the IAA TRANSPORTATION Guided Tours 2022 take place?

The Guided Tours will take place on the following days:

Sept, 23 – Friday

Sept, 26 – Monday

Sept, 27 – Tuesday

Sept, 28 – Wednesday

Sept, 29 – Thursday

Tours in German start at 10 am.
Tours in English start at 2 pm.

What is a tour sheet?

The tour sheet includes the exhibitors’ name, their hall and stand numbers, their individually created presentation summary and the company logos.

Participants will receive this tour sheet at the beginning of the Guided Tour.